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An official website of the United States government

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An official website of the United States government

Here's how you know


Design system switcher


Design system switcher


Design system switcher


Design system switcher

Documentation Page

A documentation page presents information on a certain theme, topic, or idea. People often arrive here after visiting the landing page or after searching for a specific piece of information, so documentation pages don’t need to provide as much contextualizing information as more introductory pages would.

Scale: 0.22


When to use

  • If you’re presenting detailed information on a specific topic or theme that has already been contextualized by a landing page. Some topics that can be nicely represented on this type of page include guides or how-tos, technical documentation, and program descriptions — in short, any subject that requires in-depth explanation.

When to consider alternatives

  • Don’t use a documentation page to introduce your users to your agency or organization — a landing page is better suited to that purpose. The level of detail present on documentation pages can overwhelm users who are just becoming acquainted with your organization.


  • Use a precise headline to quickly communicate your page’s purpose. If the page content is especially complex, you may consider using a subheadline to further clarify its meaning.
  • Write concise copy. Favor short sentences (and paragraphs) over longer ones, and use straightforward language, avoiding jargon. Remember, copy blocks don’t need to be long to be comprehensive.
  • For guidance on specific components, see the page markup for the individual components.

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