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An official website of the United States government

Here's how you know

An official website of the United States government

Here's how you know


Design system switcher


Design system switcher


Design system switcher


Design system switcher

Component analytics

Some of the design system components come with built-in analytics functionality that can be opted into. The following components are capable of reporting analytics data:

Turning it on and off

Analytics event tracking is disabled by default, except for the header. There are two ways you can enable or disable analytics in your application:

  1. At the application level, globally for all instances of a component with the config function
  2. At the component-instance level by using the analytics prop

The analytics prop on a particular component instance will always override the global setting. For instance, you can turn on analytics globally for all alerts but turn it off for a particular Alert on a particular page by setting analytics={false} on that Alert. It works the other way around too where analytics are turned off globally but turned on for a particular Alert instance.

As an example, to turn analytics on globally for alerts, call the config function from somewhere universal to your application, like this:

// Import from the package that corresponds to your theme (one of these):
import { config } from '@cmsgov/design-system';
import { config } from '@cmsgov/ds-cms-gov';
import { config } from '@cmsgov/ds-healthcare-gov';
import { config } from '@cmsgov/ds-medicare-gov';

// Then call the config function with your configuration settings
config({ alertSendsAnalytics: true });

Here is the list of each component config property for analytics:

  • alertSendsAnalytics
  • buttonSendsAnalytics
  • dialogSendsAnalytics
  • helpDrawerSendsAnalytics
  • headerSendsAnalytics (
  • footerSendsAnalytics (
  • thirdPartyExternalLinkSendsAnalytics

Handling the events

We currently provide two ways of handling analytics events in the design system:

  1. Through a global default event handler function, which can be changed
  2. Through a function provided to a component instance via the onAnalyticsEvent prop

For the global default handler, the design system will currently attempt to pass all events to the function if it exists. If this is not the desired analytics behavior for your application, you can provide your own default analytics event handler by setting the defaultAnalyticsFunction global config setting with your custom implementation, or you can pass a handler to each component instance with the onAnalyticsEvent prop.

Overriding logged data

When you need to prevent sensitive personal information from being passed to analytics trackers from a particular component instance, you can either override the content that contains sensitive information using the analyticsLabelOverride prop, or you can disable tracking on that component instance entirely by setting analytics={false}.