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Design system switcher


Design system switcher


Design system switcher


Design system switcher

For developers

Greetings, Developers! This page will walk you through all the basics of using the design system, but another good way to get a jump start is to look through our example projects on GitHub.

As you go through this documentation, keep in mind that the CMS Design System is a family of design systems, and each of these design systems is distributed under a different package name:

Getting the design system assets

How you get the design system assets depends on the needs of your project and your workstyle. You could...

  1. Install the npm package
  2. Reference files directly from the CDN
  3. Download the design system assets directly from GitHub
    • This is not recommended, but it's available if no other options will work for your project

Option 1: Install using npm

If you already have npmThis link goes to an external site

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or yarnThis link goes to an external site

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set up for your project, you can add it to your list of dependencies using one of the commands below. Note that the following example will display a different package name depending on the theme you have selected.

npm install --save @cmsgov/design-system
# or
yarn add @cmsgov/design-system

Once you've installed the package, read the sections on how to include the CSS and importing the components into a JavaScript project.

Option 2: Reference assets from the CDN

You can also choose to load the assets directly from our content delivery network (CDN) to your clients' browsers. All packages and their available versions are listed and linked to on our CDN index page. Each version index page lists all its available resources. CDN resources use the following URL convention:<package-name>/<version>/<resource>

What is a CDN and why would I use it?

A content delivery network (CDN) is a collection of servers that dynamically allocate resources based on the requester's geographic location in order to optimize the distribution of assets. Some benefits and applications for utilizing the design system via CDN are:

  • Quickly utilize design system code and style assets for development/prototyping
  • The CDN caches assets for fast loading and scales automatically in case of a large number of requests
  • Ability to utilize a specific version of the design system easily

Example loading CSS via CDN

<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />

Example loading web components via CDN

<script src=""></script>

Option 3: Download assets directly

If you'd like to take a look at the static assets that we publish through npm and our CDN, you can download a tar file for any of the releases on our GitHub Releases page. You will find these files in the "Assets" section at the bottom of each release.

Including the CSS

No matter what framework you use to build your application, you will need to include the design system styles in order for your application to look the way it should.


You will need to include both the main index.css along with a theme file which contains all of the CSS variables needed by the main stylesheet. The simplest way to do that is to include resource link elements in your HTML document, like this:

  <link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="" />

If you are getting the files from npm, you will want to change the href to reference the files from your local node_modules folder. Likewise if you've downloaded the files directly, the href will point to wherever you've put your files.

With an asset bundler

For projects that use an asset bundler, include the assets in whatever way your bundler recommends. For instance, in a WebPack or create-react-app project, you might include the styles in your CSS like this:

@import '@cmsgov/design-system/css/index';
@import '@cmsgov/design-system/css/core-theme';

Or you might import it from your JavaScript like this:

import '@cmsgov/design-system/css/index.css';
import '@cmsgov/design-system/css/core-theme.css';

CSS Custom Properties

The CMSDS utilizes CSS Custom PropertiesThis link goes to an external site

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to allow for flexible styling of components, layout, animation, typography and color. Lists of variables and their values can be found throughout this documentation.

These custom properties allow for a degree of customization of the design systems components and layout. To modify a CSS variable simply re-define them within a given context. The default context for all CSS Custom properties is as follows:

::backdrop {
  --variable-name: value;

This allows these classes to apply globally to the entire page they're loaded on. By re-defining these variables in this same scope or defining a variable in a custom scope, such as a specific class, you can overwrite these variables:

.ds-c-button {
  --button__border-color--hover: green;

Fonts and images

Note that our stylesheets also reference fonts and images, so you will need to make sure these assets (dist/fonts and dist/images) are available to your site/application at the correct relative paths. You don't need to think about this if you're loading the stylesheet from the CDN, and most asset bundlers will be able to locate these additional assets without additional configuration.

Using the CSS

Design system styles can be broken down into the following categories:

  1. Reset styles - Standardizes the appearance of base elements to overwrite user-agent styles across browsers
  2. Layout styles - For implementing visual structure in your application
  3. Typography styles - For visually differentiating between kinds of text
    • Heading and body typography classes can be found on their respective documentation pages
  4. Component styles - A collection of designed, self-contained UI elements
  5. Utility classes - For applying single CSS properties to elements using standard values
    • See the Utilities section of the doc site for more details

CSS class naming conventions

Most of our CSS classes follow a specific naming pattern, outlined below:

Diagram explaining the parts of an example CSS class '.ds-c-button--outline' where DS is namespace, C is the type prefix, and the rest follows BEM syntax

Note that the design system favors clarity over succinctness. This means the class names may be verbose but should deliver clarity, predictability, and legibility in exchange.


To avoid conflicting with other libraries and existing code, the design system namespaces its CSS class names with ds-.


Prefixes are added to class names to make it more apparent what job the class is doing.

l-Indicates layout-related styles. Example: .ds-l-container
c-Indicates a component. Example: .ds-c-button
u-Indicates a utility. Example: .ds-u-color--base

These prefixes can sometimes be followed by a "breakpoint prefix". Learn more about breakpoint prefixes.

BEM syntax

Following the namespace and prefix is a name conforming to BEM syntaxThis link goes to an external site

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, like [BLOCK]__[ELEMENT]--[MODIFIER], where...

  • BLOCK is a standalone entity that is meaningful on its own. For example: .ds-c-card, .ds-c-button
  • ELEMENT is a part of a block that has no standalone meaning and is semantically tied to its block, such as .ds-c-card__title
  • MODIFIER is a flag on a block or element and is used to change appearance or behavior. For example: .ds-c-button--primary, .ds-u-color--base, .ds-l-col--3

Using components

Our design system components are more than a collection of styles for making widgets on a page. They embody guidelines, best practices, and interactive behaviors that have been designed for good accessibility and user experience.

While you can apply these styles to your own HTML elements, we strongly recommend using the JavaScript versions of our components. The JavaScript components give you those interactive behaviors for free, and without them you'll have to implement the dynamic parts yourself based on the guidance in our documentation. We've made these JavaScript components available as React, Preact, and web componentsThis link goes to an external site

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(though only a subset of our full library is represented by web components at the moment). Please take a look at our example projects on GitHub for details about each option.

Using React/Preact components

Inside a React/Preact project, you will import and use the components as you would any other React/Preact component. See the Importing into a JavaScript project below for more details.

Outside a React/Preact project, your usage will depend on the framework you're using. Our CDN projects show you how to use our React or Preact components in a plain HTML page. Note that for components that don't have interactive behaviors like Badge, you may not need to invoke React or Preact at all.

More React/Preact prop documentation, examples, and guidance can be found on component documentation pages.

Importing into a JavaScript project

If you've installed the design system via npm, the components can be imported from the package entry point using the syntax below. Note that the following example will display a different package name depending on the theme you have selected.

import { Button, TextField } from '@cmsgov/design-system';

Why switch to Preact?

If you have a React project, chances are you can actually start using PreactThis link goes to an external site

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today and save on your total bundle size. For our own component library, we found that switching to Preact shrunk our bundle by about 92KB. The Preact library itself is smaller than React, and so far its claim of full compatability with React has proven true.

Check out our preact-react-app example if you're curious how to make the switch in an existing React project without changing any of your source code.

If your project is based on Preact and not React, we've provided an import path for you to use the Preact version of our components directly. To import the Preact versions, add /preact to the end of your import path like this:

import { Button, TextField } from '@cmsgov/design-system/preact';

Using web components

We've also begun offering web componentsThis link goes to an external site

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as a framework-agnostic alternative to our React or Preact components. We will be working on expanding this library over time, but at a moment only a subset of our JavaScript components are represented in this library. The easiest way to consume these components is by loading them from the CDN; however, they can also be installed via npm and imported by appending /web-components to your import path.

From the CDN, there are two ways of importing the web components:

  1. Import all of them at once using the all.js file.
  2. Pick and choose which ones you want by importing the base.js file first and then the file that matches the component you want to use (like ds-alert.js).

See further instructions for both of these on your version's CDN page.

Applying component CSS classes manually

If you can't use React, you can apply the appropriate component CSS classes directly to elements in your HTML. Our component documentation pages provide HTML code for the inert states of components, but you'll be responsible for writing the correct markup and updating classes and DOM attributes in response to user events.

The following example shows how you can manually apply ds-c-label and ds-c-field classes to HTML to achieve more or less the same affect as using the <TextField> React component. Note that you would have to update the HTML to show field errors when validating user input or to achieve other dynamic behaviors.

  <label class="ds-c-label" for="field_1">
    <span>Text Field Label</span>
    <span class="ds-c-hint">Helpful hint text</span>
  <input class="ds-c-field" type="text" name="text-field-example" id="field_1" />


Providing your own internationalized content

The design system attempts to make all of its components' text content assignable through their React props. That means you can use your own internationalization solutions to provide the content in your applications. Here is an example:

// Example of an application providing its own internationalized content

import { Alert } from '@cmsgov/design-system';
import i18n from 'i18n';

export default function () {
  return <Alert heading={i18n('success')}>{i18n('account.created')}</Alert>;

Default internationalized content in the design system

{/* TODO: Once it is true that all default content is internationalized, we can use this opening paragraph instead

While we want components to be flexible, we also want them to be easy to use, so for some components we do provide default content. When we do this, the content comes in English and Spanish.*/}

{/ TODO: Replace this paragraph with the above paragraph /}

While we want components to be flexible, we also want them to be easy to use, so for some components we do provide default content. If a component does not yet have Spanish translations for its default content, that will be noted in the component maturity section of the component documentation page.

For applications that have a lang attribute on their html element, the language will be detected automatically. If that language is not English or Spanish, the language of the design system will fall back to English. If automatic language detection does not work for your use case, the language can be set manually through the setLanguage function. Similarly, the current language can also be read from the getLanguage function. Here's an example:

import { getLanguage, setLanguage } from '@cmsgov/design-system';

// Set the design system language to something other than the document's detected language

// Get the design system's current language


See component-analytics documentation.

Further resources

We hope this page and our example projects provide you with everything you need to get started with the design system, but if you run into trouble please reach out. If you have specific suggestions for how we can improve these docs, please feel free to edit this page (with the link under the table of contents) and submit a pull request!