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An official website of the United States government

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An official website of the United States government

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Design system switcher


Design system switcher


Design system switcher


Design system switcher


Hint text is used in combination with a Label to provide extra instructions or context for form fields.




Review Storybook for React guidance of this component.

Web Component

Go to Storybook for Web Component guidance of this component.

Style customization

The following CSS variables can be overridden to customize Form components:

CSS variables for form
VariableDefault Core Theme Value


  • Hints are built in to all design-system form fields but can be used on their own to create custom fields.
  • Use hint text for supporting contextual help that is always visible.
  • Hint text should sit between a form label and the input.
  • Use lower visual style (i.e., lighter gray than the form label or the input option) so it won't compete for users' attention with the field label.
  • Use hint text to indicate which inputs are optional when there are more required fields than optional.
  • Hint text can also appear after an input box when the text is being used to show the value someone should be entering in the field (e.g., income amount input box displays text after the input box to highlight the amount should be "monthly income".)


  • Use when appropriate to support a field label.
  • Describe how to best answer the question/form label.
  • Use the fewest words possible (i.e. don't use "please").
  • Use sentence case.
  • End with a period.
  • Be consistent with phrase and sentence structure.

Accessibility testing

General observations

  • Hint text should be outside of the label element.
  • Hints should be linked to their corresponding input fields via an aria-describedby attribute on the input.
  • Hint text should meet size and contrast requirements.

Screen reader testing

  • When the input field gets focus, its label should be read first and then its hint after a slight delay.

Learn More

Component maturity

For more information about how we tested and validated our work for each checklist item, read our component maturity documentation.


  • Color

    Meets AA color contrast standards for accessibility and color blindness.
  • Forced Colors Mode (FCM)

    While using FCM the components text is legible and improves readability.
  • WCAG 2.1 Level AA Conformance

    All Axe checks for WCAG AA compliance have passed.
  • Screen readers

    VoiceOver, NVDA, and JAWS screen readers provide concise communication and interaction.
  • Keyboard navigation

    Component is fully navigable with a keyboard.
    Not applicable


  • Storybook

    Component has stories to cover all defined props.
  • Responsive

    Component designed to work in all responsive breakpoints.
  • Spanish translations

    Includes Spanish translations for default text content.


  • Code

    Tokens implemented in code.
  • Design

    Tokens implemented in Figma.